Understanding “Wrongful Death”

If you want to understand what constitutes a wrongful death, then you must have recently lost a close family member. We at Woods Law KC are sorry for your loss, and we hope this article answers two common questions about wrongful death suits in Missouri or Kansas.


Although the statues for wrongful death vary among states, at its most basic level, wrongful death is the death of a human that resulted in a wrongful act of another person. The act may have been done on purpose or through negligence.


Who can sue in a wrongful death case?

You may think that the answer to this question is somewhat cut and dried. You would assume that only “next of kin” can sue in a wrongful death case. Actually, the answer is much more complicated than that. To find out whether or not only minor children are allowed to sue following the death of a parent, or if a separated spouse can sue, contact Woods Law KC.


If someone is acquited of murder, can the individual be named in a wrongful death suit?

In most cases, a wrongful death suit, which is a civil suit, is separate from criminal charges. This means that even if a person is acquited for your loved one’s death, you may be able to bring civil charges against the individual.


As you can see, wrongful death cases are complicated. If you live in the Kansas City area, reach out to the staff of Woods Law KC to see whether or not you can receive some compensation following the loss of your loved one. We know you are heartbroken at the loss of your beloved family member. Even though filing a wrongful death case will not bring your loved one back, it will ensure that the person who caused the death is held financially responsible for his or her actions.

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